About Me

Hey, welcome to my website! My name is Guilherme Bressan and I'm a software developer.

Since child I'm interested in technology, not limited to computers but all kinds of electric / electronic things. My first computer (that was also my father's computer) was an HP ZV5000 launched in 2004 if I don't mind, with the amazing amount of 1GB of memory and about 80GB of hard disk storage. With this machine I created my first projects, from broadcasts of web radios to my first contact with computer maintenance.

In 2017 I wrote my first "Hello World" in C, at this moment I got a new interest, programming. In my room I learned a bunch of new programming languages, and also english.

At the moment I'm working with some private projects, I also have some clients for which I provide on demand development and support services.

It's impossible to learn everything, but I learned how to learn and that is all I need.

Get in touch via the email in the page footer.

Backend Development
Embedded Development
Linux Servers
Hardware Maintenance
Relational Databases
Bash Script
ARM/ARM64 Assembly
X86/X86-64 Assembly